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Like a River Glorious (343).pro
Orig Key: D | New Key:

Title: Like A River Glorious

Artist: Words by Frances Ridley Havergal, Music by James Mountain

Subtitle: key: D


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Verse 1

D      A/C#  D      D7/F# G       A       D
Like a river glor - ious is God’s perfect peace 
D    A/C#      D     D/F# A/E    Bm/E    E7   A
Over all vic - tor - ious in its bright  in - crease 
D       A7/E D/F# G     D/F# Em7   A7/E D    A
Perfect yet it flow - eth full - er every day
D       A#°7   Bm     E7/G# D/A   A2(no3) A7  D
Perfect yet it grow - eth deeper all  the  way 


D           A7/E D/F# G   D/F# Em7   A7/E D
Stayed up - on Je - ho - vah hearts are fully
D       A#°7  Bm     E7/G# D/A    A2(no3) A7 D
Finding as He prom - ised perfect peace and rest

Verse 2

D      A/C#   D     D7/F# G     A       D
Hidden in the hol - low of His blessed hand 
D     A/C#    D     D/F# A/E  Bm/E   E7   A
Never foe can fol - low never trai - tor  stand 
D     A7/E   D/F# G    D/F# Em7 A7/E D       A
Not a surge  of  wor - ry not  a  shade of care 
D     A#°7     Bm    E7/G# D/A      A2(no3) A7
Not a blast of hur - ry touch the spir - it

Verse 3

D     A/C#   D     D7/F# G      A        D
Every joy or tri - al falleth from a - bove 
D           A/C#   D    D/F# A/E   Bm/E E7  A
Traced up - on our di - al by the Sun  of  Love 
D      A7/E   D/F# G     D/F# Em7 A7/E D     A
We may trust  Him  ful - ly all  for  us to do 
D        A#°7      Bm     E7/G# D/A     A2(no3) A7
They who trust Him whol - ly find Him whol - ly

Key: D